Healthy habits for your mouth

Taking care of yourself is in the news! After the pandemic we all appreciate health more than ever and have a desire to take care of our body and mind.

By making small changes in our habits, we can achieve great results, but we must not neglect our oral health. The mouth is the entry point for many pathogens and oral health has been shown to be related to many diseases.

Just as it is important to carry out physical exercise (if you are not used to it, try to start walking for an hour a day), so is the food.

Remember the importance of eating three servings a day of fruit and vary them frequently. A good time to eat them would be at breakfast or as a healthy snack between meals.

If you want to notice benefits in your mouth, choose fruit:

  • Rich in vitamin C: helps the production of collagen, which is very necessary for the wellbeing of the gums, such as kiwi, lemon, orange, grapefruit or mandarin. Always in pieces and not in juices.
  • Strawberries and berries, are an excellent choice because of their high xylitol content, effective against dental plaque and a good natural sweetener, to mix with yoghurt or milk and avoid having to add regular sugar, as frequent consumption is detrimental to health.
Descriptive image of the proportions of the different types of food recommended for each meal.

It includes large quantities of vegetables in your lunches and dinners, remember that proportionally, they should take up half of the plate you eat. We especially recommend that you consume fresh, seasonal and local products.

The frutDry years are a great snack, and will help you to satisfy your appetite and keep you away from other foods that can cause tooth decay, such as juice, bread, biscuits or crisps. The recommended amount of nuts and dried fruit is about 30 grams a day, a small handful, because although they are full of benefits, they are also high in calories.

The peblue scado is a good source of protein, because it also contains omega 3, fatty acids, and vitamin D, which facilitates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Other sources of protein healthy are poultry and eggs, etc.

The Vitamin D We also get it from sunbathing, as well as from eating mushrooms, oats, almonds, oranges or vegetable milks.

A well-known source in the Calcium are dairy products, but if you cannot or do not want to drink them, there are many others in vegetables: nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables, legumes, cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, turnips...).

An extremely important and basic habit for health is the hygiene daily oral:

  1. Floss or tape between all the teeth, if you find it difficult there are dental arches, which will make the task easier. Your hygienist will show you how to do it.
  2. If you have large spaces between your teeth you can use interdental brushes, they will clean better than floss.
  3. Brush all your teeth and gums, place a pea-sized amount of toothpaste on the dry brush and brush from the gums to the teeth at a 45º angle. We will explain how to do this correctly during your check-ups and hygiene at the dental clinic.
  4. Finish by brushing the tongue, it is very important to keep it clean.
  5. Mouthwash is recommended in some situations, so it should be prescribed by a professional.

Are you one of those people who, when you finish your meal, feel like eating even if you are already full?

Try brushing your teeth immediately, this not only reduces the risk of tooth decay but is also proven to reduce the craving to keep eating.

Finally, another great habit and one that costs very little effort is to do the following peri visitsódicas to the dentist for dental hygiene and check-ups, so that you can always keep your smile in tip-top shape.