Can I have a class 2 dental treatment with Invisalign? - Orthodontics Murcia

The traditional classification of malocclusions in the anteroposterior direction considers, in basic lines, three types of relationship between the maxilla and the mandible:

- If they are in an appropriate position, we are talking about class I.

- If the jaw is advanced, we speak of class II.

- If the jaw is forward, the jaw is class III.

In the Region of Murcia and Spain, the most frequent malocclusion is class II, caused by a protrusion of the maxilla or a delay at the mandibular level, which makes treatment more sophisticated, as it is not only a question of aligning the teeth, but also of achieving a good 'gearing' between the upper and lower teeth.

Until a few years ago, these malocclusions were tackled exclusively with brackets, either metal or aesthetic (ceramic, sapphire, composite...), something that has changed recently because aesthetic orthodontic techniques, such as lingual orthodontics or transparent orthodontics, have evolved enormously.

So, can I have a Class II dental treatment with Invisalign?

The answer is that Invisalign has revolutionised plastic orthodontics in recent years. and, to this day, it is possible to treat many Class II cases (not all of them, which is why it is important to have an analysis carried out by an expert orthodontist), offering patients with this malocclusion a top-level aesthetic solution that will also provide them with optimum results in terms of chewing, as if they had been treated with braces.

How does Invisalign work with my dental class 2?

Depending on the orthodontist's planning, the tooth movement may be:

- Based on distalisation of the upper arch (i.e. the upper teeth go 'backwards'), either individually or in groups

- Simulating in clincheck software the effects of the traditional 'elastics' used with braces, which are also used with Invisalign.

In this way, we achieve results that were unthinkable a few years ago, thanks to a technique that allows:

- Make selective moves, only of those pieces that we are interested in moving.

- Use intermaxillary 'rubber bands' to improve the relationship between the maxilla and mandible.

- Virtual treatment planning to optimise the results obtained.

So, if you are still thinking about it, we encourage you to consult with an orthodontist experienced in the Invisalign technique to assess your case and discuss the possibilities of improving your occlusion and aesthetics, a decision that will surely improve your oral quality of life in a very short time.