What happens if we lose a tooth?

Teeth are an important organ within the digestive system, thanks to them we are able to cut, tear or grind food to facilitate digestion and assimilation of food.

Teeth also influence phonation and, why not, aesthetics and social relations.

From ancient times, teeth were already indicative of social class and wealth.

But what happens if we lose a tooth?

At the oral level

It is very common to think "why am I going to replace a tooth, if you can't see it...".

Our teeth are located in continuous movementThe loss of a tooth and the failure to replace it can lead to tilting, extrusions and the dropping out of the rest of the teeth.

These small misalignments increase the risk of caries by storing food leftovers, in addition to causing periodontal problems The tooth is not a tooth-supporting tissue due to inadequate support or difficulties in hygiene.

It is also produced bone volume losses when we lose the tooth and do not replace it, a phenomenon similar to that suffered by muscles if we do not use them, they atrophy.

At the systemic level

The digestive system is responsible for obtaining all the nutrients essential for life.

Food enters this complex system through the mouth, where, thanks to the teeth and chewing, we cut, tear and crush it, stimulating the secretion of saliva with these movements.

The tongue is responsible for mixing the crushed food into small particles and saliva, compressing it against the palate and allowing the taste buds to develop the sense of taste.

It is important that food is well mashed and spends some time in the mouth, so that more saliva is generated, the food bolus is well lubricated and the enzymes in the different fluids can act on the nutrients so that they can be absorbed.

Good chewing not only improves the assimilation of nutrients, it also stimulates the immune system, gives us the feeling that we have really eaten and avoids snacking between meals, as well as self-cleaning of the teeth.

What would be the consequences of poor chewing and swallowing food quickly?

  • Longer time in the stomach of the food, which can lead to stomach ulcers.
  • Poorer, slower digestion, which would decrease our metabolism with the sensation of heaviness, causing weight gain.
  • Abdominal pain and swelling
  • Decreased intestinal transit, leading to blockages and constipation, and even colon cancer.
  • Gases

It is not only important to eat well, if we do not chew and assimilate them well, our health can suffer.

Facial/aesthetic level

Teeth and their surrounding tissues do not only have chewing functions. They help us to speak and support facial tissues.


When teeth are lost, the tissues that support them atrophy, which is accentuated if removable prostheses are used.

This has an effect on the face, as they collapse when not resting on them:

  • Loss of facial musculature and sagging facial contours
  • Witch's profile (concave) with pronounced and protruding chin
  • The face becomes shorter
  • Mouth creases and wrinkles are accentuated.
  • The red of the lips narrows, sloping towards the inside of the mouth and elongating the upper lip.

To sum up, we could say that the lack of teeth ages us.

At the social and professional level

We live in an "aesthetic" society, where physical appearance and personal marketing often take precedence over other qualities, whether we like it or not.

Without realising it,

  • A complete smile guarantees more chances of success
  • It gives us security in our daily lives, in our personal relationships, in a photo, a job interview...
  • A healthy and complete smile gives us a neat appearance
  • You will flirt more