What material are dental veneers made of?

The dental veneers are the 'gold standardThe most common type of dental aesthetic treatment. These films, which can be made directly by the dentist or indirectly by a laboratory, modify the shape, colour and size of the teeth. 

They are therefore the most sought after and required treatment in the aesthetic area, and for some time now, thanks to the spread of social networks and the internet in general, the one for which more and more patients are requesting information, either in a clinic or through a search on their mobile phone, as is probably the case with you. 

If you are interested in knowing the basics about veneers, I refer you to this article by my colleague Diego, if you are interested in knowing more about this treatment, from a more specific point of view, read on:


Veneers can be ceramic, composite or hybrid depending on their composition:


Which in turn can be further subdivided into feldspar or lithium disilicate

The feldspathic are the most aesthetic and are used in cases where the tooth substrate is very favourable and there is very little likelihood of fracture due to the type of occlusion, because they are the least resistant. 

Those of lithium disilicate combine aesthetics and strength, a balance that greatly favours the prognosis of restorations and makes them one of the most widely used options.


These are subdivided into direct, indirect and injected.

They are called direct composite veneers when they are made freehand by the dentist himself by combining layers of different materials. types of composite. It is the most aesthetic in terms of mimicry, colour and properties, in addition to the fact that in many cases it does not require grinding and can be carried out in a single appointment. On the other hand, the result depends a lot on the experience of the dentist, because it requires manual technique. 

The hintsHowever, they are made in the prosthetic laboratory and then cemented in the mouth, so they require more than one appointment. 

Finally, the injectedwhich consists of injecting fluid composite through silicone keys that are taken from a model designed by the laboratory. In this way, we transfer the design to the patient's mouth relatively quickly and efficiently. In these cases it is only feasible to inject one type of composite, so it is necessary to select the case in which it is feasible to carry it out.


These are the latest to appear on the scene and use blocks composed of more than one material. The most common combination is resin with ceramic particles, with which we manage to combine the advantages of both materials with a very favourable result in terms of both aesthetics and resistance.

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