On many occasions we receive patients who request orthodontics because their teeth have become "crowded", without knowing what exactly that involves. The concern of these patients is mostly aesthetic, but the reality is that crowding has consequences beyond not having a beautiful smile.
- Risk of caries: in crowded areas, hygiene is deficient. No matter how hard we try, there are "nooks and crannies" between these teeth where plaque can easily remain, creating accumulations that can lead to the appearance of caries.
- Risk of gingivitis: Due to the difficulty of access for hygiene, excess plaque can slightly inflame the gums. If this inflammation persists over time, it can lead to more serious problems, such as severe gingivitis or periodontitis, among others. Although this pathology can be treated with hygiene, the symptoms will reappear sooner than expected due to the poor position of the teeth.
- Wear and tear: crowded teeth do not generate a correct bite. This is why, when we chew, we wear these teeth irregularly, creating microfractures and abrasions that can lead to sensitivity problems.
- Gingival recessions: in some cases of crowding, there are teeth that, because they have little space, are practically at the limit of our jaws, the bones in which the teeth are located. This can cause us to "lose gum", which causes sensitivity due to the exposure of the root of the tooth, and in the long term it can weaken.
Now you know that crowding should not only be of concern aesthetically, but could also lead to unfavourable circumstances for our oral health. Thanks to orthodontic treatment, we can align and reposition these teeth in a more favourable position, improving their stability in the arch, and preventing caries and gum problems.