1st Horror Costume Contest in Vélez & Lozano

If you are a fan of Halloween you have an appointment on the 31st of October at Vélez & Lozano, because we are organising our '1st Terrifying Costume Contest' in which we invite adults and children to participate. To do so, you just have to come to the clinic with your Halloween costume on Thursday 31st and we will [...]

Get your vampire fangs for Halloween!

After the success of our vampire fangs last year, we have decided to give the opportunity to adults and children to get their own prosthesis to wear this Halloween. For a symbolic cost, you will be able to give the definitive touch to your costume thanks to a prosthesis designed 100% to fit your mouth, for [...]

Today is World Patient Safety Day

Today, September 17th, in addition to the Romería de la Fuensanta in Murcia (which is why our dental clinic is closed until tomorrow) is World Patient Safety Day for the World Health Organization (WHO). Each year, the WHO chooses a theme that serves as a specific theme for [...]

We are celebrating 16 years as a reference dental clinic in Murcia!

Today, August 4th, Vélez & Lozano has the good fortune, honour and joy of celebrating no less than 16 years open as a dental clinic of reference in Murcia. More than 19,000 patients have already passed through our doors, which have put us at the top of the clinics with the most positive reviews in all of Spain, with [...]

We publish the second edition of 'Implantology for Patients'.

Barely a year and a half later, 'Implantology for patients', the book written by our partner and medical director Fernando García Vélez together with dental hygienist Juan José Martínez Vázquez, sees its second edition launched. This is a particularly relevant milestone, because the books are delivered to patients in the implantology area in their first edition.