The Prevention at Dentistry is becoming increasingly important in today's society. We have incorporated many measures into our way of life to prevent multiple diseases, including those related to the mouth and teeth.
However, in spite of these efforts, the Early Onset Caries (that which appears before the age of 6) is becoming increasingly common (in the United States it has been confirmed as the most prevalent chronic disease in childhood), so much so that it has become the most common chronic disease of childhood. five times more common than asthma and seven times more common than allergy feverIn other words, this is a real public health problem.
For this reason, multiple international oral health associations propose that all children be seen by a paediatric dentist or trained oral health personnel in order to establish an appropriate dental and oral health programme around the year of age or from the eruption of the first tooth.
This is the origin of the concept of "Dental Home" o "Dental Home"which is defined as the ongoing relationship between the dentist and the patient, including all aspects of oral health care that is comprehensive, continuous, accessible, coordinated and family involved and committed to staying healthy.

The establishment of a Dental Home has not become widespread in medical practice in the Region of Murcia or in Spain despite the fact that the alarming signs of increasing tooth decay in childrenThe main reason for this is poor dietary and hygiene habits, with such initiatives only being found in high-level dental clinics staffed by experts in paediatric care.
In any case, it is very important that the family oral health is good for preventing the transmission of caries-causing bacteria from parent to child. In this regard, it is recommended that a pregnant women should go for dental check-ups where, in addition to your own care, you already receive information about your future baby's oral health.
Once the child is born, the Dental Home will be established, where a comprehensive individualised prevention plan will be put in place, based on:
- Caries risk analysis
- Instructions on healthy diet and dental hygiene
- Oral care advice for children.
- Periodic reviews.
Clara Serna Muñoz
Master's Degree in Paediatric Dentistry from the San Rafael Hospital in Madrid.
Exclusive Paediatric Dentistry Practice in Murcia
Lecturer in Paediatric Dentistry, University of Murcia