Electric or manual toothbrush?

One of the questions most frequently asked by our patients is whether it is more advisable to use an electric toothbrush or a manual toothbrush. Currently, it is considered that both electric and manual toothbrushing are effective in removing plaque as long as the technique, frequency and duration of brushing are appropriate.

However, the electric toothbrushes have certain advantages over manuals, which makes their use more advisable:

  • Their use is more fun or motivating for children.
  • Easier to use for people with limited mobility or disabilities.
  • They reduce a greater amount of bacterial plaque.
  • Many include a timer, so patients spend more time brushing.
  • There is less tooth abrasion, because they have sensors that detect if too much pressure is applied during brushing.


Despite this, there are situations where it would be more appropriate to use a manual brushFor sensitive areas, such as after surgery, it is recommended to use a soft manual toothbrush. In addition, these brushes are more accessible as they are less expensive than the previous ones. Another advantage of the manual toothbrush is that we can take it with us in our luggage if we travel to an exotic place, as they do not need an electric charge.

In conclusion, we can say that both brushes used properly are capable of performing a quality brushing, but using an electric one will make it easier. The most important thing is to choose the one that best suits our needs.

Dr. Alfonso Zambudio, dentist in Vélez&Lozano