It is common to find as parents in the Region of Murcia are concerned about their children's childhood habits, such as thumb sucking, excessive dummy use, or even, instructed by their orthodontists, the patient's infant swallowing.
The infant swallowing habit, which involves the patient placing their tongue between the teeth when swallowing, rather than on the roof of the mouth, as well as digital sucking or prolonged use of dummies, leads to anterior open bites.
These open bites, which in infants can be treated by an experienced orthodontist In many adults, these habits require surgical intervention for their solution, and it is therefore advisable to introduce systems that make it possible to correct these habits.
Traditionally, the use of lingual grids has helped to correct these habits in the primary dentition (i.e. with the child's milk teeth), however, the lack of aesthetics, and the psychological component that these appliances have in some patients, has led to the development of a new device, known as the Tongue Tamer (Ortho Technology, Tampa, FL).
Its effects, which have already been analysed in several scientific studies, are to help overcome digital sucking habits (sucking fingers) or atypical swallowing, in a simple and comfortable way for both the professional who attends the patient and for the patient himself and his parents and relatives.
Procedure (no need for moulds or anaesthesia):


- Avoid future surgical procedures
- Discomfort is minimal
- The patient is able to eat and live a normal 100% life.
Therefore, if you have an acquaintance or family member with atypical swallowing, infant swallowing, or a 'thumb sucking' habit that you want to solve but cannot, make an appointment now with an experienced orthodontist who will be able to advise you on the suitability of the Tongue Tamer for your case.