The title of this entry may suggest a multitude of images of white, beautiful, aligned teeth... in other words, performances about a person's dentition.
Beyond this, what many people in the Region of Murcia are unaware, is that dentists can also make nasolabial folds, also known as marionette lines or "barcodes", disappear.
We are talking about those small wrinkles that occur in the lower third of the face, around the patient's lips, which are usually treated by dentists, odontologists or stomatologists with experience in facial aesthetics.

What results do hyaluronic microfillers achieve?
El filled with 'microfillersIt achieves a natural and discreet change, so that the patient's face gets a significant aesthetic improvement and rejuvenation, without other people being able to detect what the change is due to.

How is it done?
The procedure is very simple: it is based on the application of hyaluronic acid to fill the wrinkle, so that it disappears. In addition, by treating the upper lip, a greater prominence of the upper lip is achieved, giving it a more beautiful and attractive appearance without making it look artificial.

In this regard, it is important to note that there are basically two types of materials to carry out this procedure:
- non-absorbable, where the treatment is a one-off procedure and must be carefully assessed.
- absorbable, which do not present any type of medical complication, and make it necessary to repeat the treatment from time to time (generally one year), the most frequent being hyaluronic acid, in the form of 'microfillers'.
In this way, an anaesthetic is first applied in the same way as for a treatment on the upper teeth, and with a cannula the hyaluronic acid is introduced inside the wrinkles, 'filling them in' and making the skin look softer and smoother, minimising the effects of age on the patient's face, who can go home after the infiltration without having to be absent from work or alter their social life in the slightest.
Therefore, if you wish to rejuvenate your features and enjoy a more youthful and harmonious face, remember to consult with dentists of recognised prestige that can help you improve your appearance in an easy, comfortable and predictable way.
Emilio Gil López
Degree in Dentistry
King Juan Carlos University
University of Murcia