We talk about piercings in the mouth, tongue and other parts of the oral cavity.
In recent years, the use of cavity piercings oral has experienced a boom in Western countries, especially among young people.
Oral piercings are usually placed on the tongue or lipsThey can also be found on the cheeks and lingual frenulum.
However, in most cases risks are unknown potentialswhich can lead to complications in the mouth as well as in the rest of the body.
Many of the complications are usually caused by the use of incorrect drilling materials and to the lack of experience of the person performing the drilling.
Problems can also occur due to the lack of sterilisation measures and disinfection, characteristics of the tissues to be worked on and possible complications that may develop during the procedure.

The most frequent oral complications are:
- Gum lesions: is one of the most important consequences of oral piercings, especially lip piercings. Continuous rubbing against the gum can cause it to leave part of the root uncovered (mild, moderate or severe gum recession). In the long run this can lead to tooth sensitivity, mobility or even tooth loss.
- Dental trauma: are the most frequent injuries. The simple habit of pushing the earring against the teeth or having a foreign object in the mouth can cause fractures, fissures, abrasions and detachment of enamel fragments.
- Periodontal disease: the presence of a metallic element can cause the accumulation of bacterial plaque, which favours the appearance of inflammation in the gums. This inflammation causes bleeding and discomfort, and in the most serious casescan lead to gingivitis and as a consequence, a periodontitis.
- Halitosis: As in the previous point, as more plaque accumulates, bad mouth odour may appear.
- Sialorrhoea: The stimulation produced by the piercing can lead to excess salvation.
There is other less frequent complications that should also be considered because of their importance. In some cases, improper placement of the piercing may injure nerves or blood vessels. On the tongue, bacterial plaque will enter the tongue and can cause local infections, taste disturbance, speech disturbance and bleeding.
They may also appear long-term problems in the body. If we do not choose a suitable centre, where the drilling material is not sterilised and reused, we can contract a viral disease as the hepatitis or the HIV. If any of the jewellery used comes loose and we swallow it, or worse, aspirate it into the lung, we may compromise the airway and have to go to the emergency room to have it removed.