This was the presentation of 'Paediatric Dentistry for Parents'.

Surrounded by family and friends, this is how Vanesa Rico and Pedro Jacobo Martínez were this past Saturday during the presentation of their book 'Odontopediatría para padres' in our dental clinic in Murcia. In addition to a general and brief review of the most important topics covered in the book, there was time for some dynamics [...]
Paediatric dentistry for parents', an insider's summary

How do you know if 'Paediatric dentistry for parents' is written for you? Very simple: If you have doubts about when you should start brushing your child's teeth, if you think that only sweets create cavities or if you still don't know whether or not your child should come to the dentist for a check-up (you know, other parents will tell you [...]
Vanesa and Jacobo present 'Paediatric Dentistry for Parents'.

Our paediatric dentistry colleagues, Vanesa Rico and Pedro Jacobo Martínez, have written a book entitled 'Odontopediatría para padres' (Paediatric dentistry for parents). At Vélez & Lozano we have given them all the support possible in various ways, and we are going to publish the book under our brand, although with their authorship, something that fills us with pride, because we have [...]