What is a torus and what are the consequences for our oral health?

En ocasiones recibimos en nuestra clínica dental en Murcia a pacientes preocupados porque les ha aparecido un bulto de forma repentina en la cavidad bucal y temen que pueda ser indicativo de cáncer oral. Una vez en consulta, y tras la radiografía pertinente que así lo atestigue, nos percatamos de que son en realidad excrecencias […]

What is a frenectomy?

As a result of the case we published yesterday on the clinic's social networks, several parents around me, patients or not, asked me some questions, so I decided to write this article. A frenectomy is a minimally invasive surgery that consists of the removal of the frenulum, but to understand why it is done, it is necessary to [...]

Daniel Muñoz joins the Surgery Department

Dentist Daniel Muñoz has recently joined our team, specifically in the area of Surgery and Implants, to support the team in their work. Daniel studied dentistry at the University of Murcia, where he also studied a couple of masters, specifically one in Dental Sciences and another in Oral Surgery and Implantology. In addition, he [...]