As promised in the previous post, which you can read here if you haven't already done so, the topic of oral health myths was the subject of a second part, and right now you are reading its introduction.
Don't forget that it is thanks to your feedback in networks, in the comments section of this blog or in any of the communication channels that we have enabled, that we can continue to debunk more and more myths, so if you have any doubts or if you think of any that we have not mentioned, let us know.
And now, without further ado, let's get down to business!
6. After eating out mouthwash and you're done!
In no case does mouthwash have the capacity to substitute for proper toothbrushing, since no good to remove food debris and plaque directly. In reality, mouthwashes, despite the advertising campaigns that proliferated a few years ago (largely to blame, no doubt, for spreading this myth) are merely an additional tool to treat certain specific pathologies and are not necessary for the general public.
7. Rinse the paste
This is one of the habits that oral health professionals find most difficult to discuss. Rinsing your mouth with water after brushing your teeth has become a movement that, it is not clear why, has become routine. Even in the cinema, when they finish brushing their teeth, the protagonists rinse their mouths with a glass of water. However, it is actually advisable to simply spit out the excess toothpaste. This is because the remineralising agents contained in these products stay in the mouth and are left behind. continue to operate until they are dissolvedThis will provide better results.

8. Brushing immediately after eating
Another common mistake is to rush to brush your teeth immediately after you have finished eating. In reality, just after finishing, the pH of the mouth is very acidic due to food consumption, which is neutralised after a few minutes thanks to our own saliva, which makes brushing less aggressive.
Therefore, the ideal is to brush your teeth 20 minutes later eating. If you want to know more about the PH of the mouth, we recommend you watch this video:
9. Root-canalised teeth always break down
Although it is true that this myth is based on the undeniable fact that endodontically treated teeth are more fragile and tend to break because they are not vital and have suffered major cavities, there is no 'always in the scientific field. Nowadays, thanks to methods such as an inlay or a crown, we can make them more resistant.
10. Whitenings damage the enamel
No, absolutely not. The whitening gel What it does is to penetrate through the 'pores' in the enamel to whiten the dentine, which is the inner part of the tooth. This does not affect the health of the enamel at all, but rather lightens the colour of the enamel and facilitates subsequent spontaneous remineralisation, which is what causes the whiter shades.
11. Pregnant women should not undergo dental treatment.
This is one of the most dangerous myths that have spread regarding dental health. For some reason, many people believe that pregnant women cannot be treated, or that it is better to wait until the gestation period is over. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Anaesthesia is completely harmless, x-rays can be performed if necessary, and any pathology should be treated as soon as possible to avoid infections and major problems that can affect pregnancy. Even so, certain stages of pregnancy are more suitable than others, so the ideal is to prevent and have a check-up when you are considering getting pregnant.
And this is the end of our post on the most widespread myths about oral health. If you have any comments, or you would like us to solve any other doubts you may have or you want more information, you can contact us through our usual channels on Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp.
And if you need a consultation, you can call us at 968 28 46 28where you can make an appointment.
AuthorZahira Asensio