Today is World Food Day

The World Food Daywhich is celebrated every 16 October (today), is an ideal opportunity to remember the influence that our diet has not only on our general health, but also on our dental health. Through our usual channels of dissemination (this website, social networks, newsletter...) we have spoken at length about the close relationship between our eating habits and our dental health in articles such as this o thisbut let's sum it up in two basic points:

  • The nutrients, vitamins and minerals we get from our diet help keep our teeth strong, our gums healthy and protect us from caries and periodontitis.
  • Sugar, on the other hand, hurts to our dental health as it is converted into acid by bacteria in our mouth.

Although, of course, it is a subject with much more 'meat' behind it and one that as dental health professionals we can not only talk about at length, but we have done so. We urge you to visit both our blogas well as to our social networks or to ourSubscribe to our newsletter if you have not already done so.