Breast lift, what is it and what does it consist of?
Are you familiar with the breast lift technique? Maybe you have heard someone say "I can't get implants because I have no bone"?
Are you familiar with the breast lift technique? Maybe you have heard someone say "I can't get implants because I have no bone"?
Why choose Invisible Orthodontics? More and more people are hearing about aligners or invisible orthodontics: the alternative to invisible braces.
Dental implant procedures are currently the most effective and safest solution for rehabilitating the oral cavity when there is a lack of dental implants in the mouth.
Dr. Sara Pérez Díaz, orthodontist at Vélez & Lozano, attended the last module of the Intensive Master's Degree in Plastic Orthodontics on 16 October,
When faced with the need to have an implant, it is logical that fears and doubts about a surgical procedure arise, but, putting an implant in the mouth is not the only way to get it done.
Teething can cause a bit of confusion as our children grow up, especially at the age of 6. At this age they erupt