The recent interest in aesthetics at all levels has led to a growing number of people who have been patients in the Region of Murcia who ask their trusted dental professional for a whitening or tooth whitening treatment, with which they can show off a healthy and attractive smile, rejuvenating their facial appearance and improving their self-esteem through a well-cared for and impeccable image.
Teeth are one of the first things anyone notices when talking to another person, and that is why smiling is a vital element in our social and work relationships, which is why teeth whitening is a treatment desired by many people, who sometimes ask themselves "what is the best way to whiten your teeth". the best teeth whitening?”.
The answer lies primarily in the professional who will detect the needs of our teeth and advise us on the best alternative, based on an internationally valid protocol. In this entry, we will deal with the peculiarities of in-clinic whitening, leaving whitening at the patient's home for later:
1. Initial colour of our teeth, to evaluate the initial situation, to be able to compare it with the progression in the lightening process, and to assess approximately to what extent they can be lightened.

2. Subsequently, X-rays should be taken to assess the condition of the roots of the teeth, and to avoid any limiting factors in this regard. In addition, the presence or absence of restorations (fillings) or prosthetic rehabilitations (caps or crowns) that do not change colour with whitening and need to be replaced at the end of the treatment should be monitored.
3. To begin the treatment, a mouth retractor is used to separate the soft tissues, while a chemical protector is placed over the gums, so that the whitening product (usually a hydrogen peroxide, only dispensed in dental clinics by authorised professionals) never comes into contact with the gums.

4. The bleaching agent must be adapted to the wavelength of the light source to be used in each clinic, with no proven greater effectiveness between one lamp and another, or between the use of diode lasers, so that they simply 'accelerate' the effects of the chemical.

5. After the period that the professional deems appropriate for each patient, the colour acquired is evaluated and, depending on the evolution, a new application of light may be carried out for a defined period of time, this factor being at the discretion of the practitioner responsible for the treatment.

In this way, in a short period of time, and with the use of materials of the highest quality, we can obtain results that will please all patients and their immediate environment, achieving teeth that allow us to show the world the power of a radiant white smile.