The majority of patients who have been treated with orthodontics in Murcia have a fixed retainer on the inner side of the lower teeth. This is generally a fine wire that is attached to both canines and the four lower incisors, the function of which is to prevent these teeth from recurring, that is, from moving again and losing the alignment generated by the orthodontics.
Currently, the issue of how long a fixed retainer should be worn after orthodontic treatment is still controversial because there is no definitive consensus on the matter. There are professionals who recommend it for a short period of time, others who recommend no retention at all, and others who advocate that the longer it is worn, the better.

This really depends on many factors such as the initial and final position of the teeth, the occlusion, the existence of any gum disease, whether or not the patient is in a period of post-treatment growth and many other things to consider.
What is clear is that, as Aristotle said, everything tends to its natural state. In physics, the law of entropy can be interpreted as meaning that everything tends to disorder, to disorganisation, and if we also base it on biological motives, which are the ones that count here, we can conclude that retention is essential to obtain long-term stability in the final results of the treatment.
We consider permanent wear for our patients. as it is the most reliable way to maintain the results obtained after treatment, although individually and depending on the characteristics of each particular case, the removal of this retention system can be assessed after a period of time at the discretion of the orthodontist in charge of your case.