Types of orthodontics: Which one to choose?

What is orthodontics? We are sure that most of you know what orthodontics is: the branch of dentistry that seeks to improve the occlusion and alignment of the teeth by preventing and correcting alterations in the shape and position of both dental arches and teeth.
Receding gums: causes and solutions

Receding gums is a fairly common problem for patients at dental clinics such as Vélez y Lozano, so we are used to treating it and offering solutions to improve their quality of life and try to mitigate the discomfort they suffer. One of the most common discomforts associated with retraction is [...]
Dental floss: Bacteria don't take a holiday

Flossing in summer If you've brushed your teeth today, you may think you've completed your oral hygiene routine and are safe from cavities and other diseases, but nothing could be further from the truth. Brushing alone is not enough, and we're going to try to explain why in this article.
How does summer affect our teeth?

Summer is the time of year when most people go on holiday and take the opportunity to go on short trips, where it is very easy to lose our dental routine. We try to enjoy our rest period so much that we sometimes forget to carry out a minimum amount of oral hygiene. [...]
The smile and its daily maintenance

If you have already undergone aesthetic treatment at the Vélez y Lozano Dental Clinic, you will know that not everything ends with the work carried out by the professionals at the centre, but that it requires your involvement and attention to be maintained over time. And a smile is an investment [...]
Caries in babies

Can babies get caries? Although many patients who come to the clinic, and parents in general, are often surprised, no tooth is exempt from the appearance of caries, not even the first milk teeth, which usually appear around 6 months of age and will eventually fall out by the age of six months.