Did you know that improving your child's nutrition helps prevent tooth decay?

The consumption of products with a high sugar content such as juices, milkshakes, soft drinks, biscuits, chocolates, sweets... is currently one of the most influential factors in the appearance of tooth decay. That is why we must take care of our children's diet and teach them to eat healthily. Childhood is one of the most important stages for [...]
What foods are we getting wrong in our child's diet?

In our daily diet we consume many "healthy" foods that are loaded with sugar, with the risk of causing tooth decay. However, in the eyes of parents, sweets and candy are the main culprits. That is why, when faced with a visit to the dentist and a diagnosis of several caries lesions in young children, parents and caregivers are often [...]

Intermaxillary elastics in orthodontics, better known as rubber bands, are auxiliary elements that help us to produce certain movements that the aligners cannot perform on their own. The function of these elastics is to correct the patient's occlusion or bite, i.e. to achieve the correct meshing between the upper and lower arches.
Endodontics works

You have probably heard someone say that they have had a failed root canal, that they have lost a tooth whose nerve has been "killed", or that they have had a tooth cracked and had to have it removed. As with everything in life, this has its part of truth and its part of myth, [...]
The other side of Orthodontics

What is the ideal age to put my child in braces? Many parents ask us on numerous occasions: what is the ideal age to put orthodontics on my child? The truth is that the answer is relative, as in many cases it is necessary to act from the age of 6 years when our youngest patients have some kind of [...]
Is your smile ready for the new Instagram trends? Part II
In this article, we continue to unveil the features your smile needs to dazzle on Instagram. In the first part we talked about tooth colour, the importance of alignment, dental exposure and the curve of the smile. If you haven't read it yet, you can go straight to it by clicking here. Today we are going to continue describing [...]