What is the Riga-Fede ulcer?
A few weeks ago, we dealt with a very interesting case at the clinic that aroused the curiosity of our followers. It was about a baby just 2 months old who had stopped eating because she had a natal tooth that caused a wound. You can see the post here: View this post [...]
What is Neuro-Occlusal Rehabilitative Treatment (RNO)?
Through our social networks we are receiving a lot of feedback about the different options we can offer to parents who detect that their children are oral breathers. Although currently this is still a developing avenue in the field of orthodontics, in our dental clinic in Murcia we offer a treatment [...]
Implants and MRI scans: a common question
The other day I was in the office answering a patient's last-minute questions before an operation to place a single-tooth implant, something that for me is purely routine. However, when answering some of these curious questions, which not everyone asks, it occurred to me that there might be a place for [...]
Receding gums: causes and solutions
Receding gums are a relatively common problem in dental clinics, especially in patients of a certain age. These patients come because they notice a weakening of the soft tissue that makes up the gums and how this has been shrinking, exposing more of the tooth. This, in addition to aesthetic problems, often leads to [...]
Dental loupes: what are they and what are they for?
Many of you may have been surprised to see some of the Vélez y Lozano team members wearing special glasses that look more like something out of a science fiction film. Today we are going to talk about what these devices consist of and what their main advantages are. The reality is that working in a [...]
The most popular treatments at the end of orthodontic treatment
When a patient comes to our dental clinic, it may be due to different reasons, but we can almost always separate them into three main categories: general, which would be those visits for revision, cleaning or, in other words, 'maintenance'; urgency, which are those that come to solve a specific discomfort, which does not always mean that they are for a specific reason, but [...]