What is Ludwig's angina?

The other day I learned about a very particular and rather unpleasant case of a patient who ended up in hospital because of a dental infection that spread. Although this is an overly simplistic answer to a complex problem, of course, in the end the information retained by his relatives and close people who know about the case is [...]

I have a lump on my gum, what do I do now?

It is common, and quite normal, to receive patients who are worried because they have seen (and touched with their tongue) a strange lump on their gum that did not seem to be there yesterday. Depending on the characteristics of the lump, we can tell whether or not it is a cause for concern when we receive their phone call, although the most common thing is to [...]

Why are extractions performed in orthodontic treatment?

The decision to carry out extractions for the correct performance of a treatment may generate doubts, concerns or even fears in future orthodontic patients. However, it is a necessary measure to achieve the aesthetic and functional objectives necessary to correctly complete the treatment. But why is it necessary? Lack of [...]

What is dental scaling and when should we do it?

A dental scaling is an odontological technique or treatment that is used to slow down the progression of periodontitis and stabilise the disease. It is a non-surgical and minimally invasive technique in which, through the application of local anaesthesia and with specific instruments, the bacterial deposits lodged in the gums are cleaned and disinfected, and the [...]