Incorrectly fitted crown, can it happen?

Let us start at the beginning.

What is a dental crown?

Although as an implantologist I usually talk about and handle implant crowns, in reality a dental crown is a type of indirect restoration that is carried out to recover both the functionality and the aesthetics lost in a dental piece and they are carried out when the integrity of the original tooth is in danger and a more solid (and also more aesthetic) piece must be generated. As a summary, we are going to point out some of the most common cases, but if you want more information you can consult other articles on the blog such as this.

  • As I have already mentioned, when replacing one or more teeth with implants, crowns are used.
  • In weakened teeth that could fracture, crowns are used as a preventive measure, as the grinding that needs to be done on the tooth will always be favourable as opposed to a fracture.
  • For fixed prosthetic restorations with metal-ceramic crown bridges
  • To rehabilitate a weakened tooth following root canal treatment

In short, we can conclude that dental crowns are used both to preserve the integrity of the tooth and to prevent any future problems.

What happens if the crown is set incorrectly?

When, for whatever reason, the dental crown is incorrectly positioned (which does not mean that it was like that from the beginning), food debris accumulates, which leads to the consequent danger to the person's oral structures.

This is a very important situation to take into account, as these food remains cause the usual accumulation of bacteria, which will gradually destroy the bone, and as a result, the tooth and the cap placed over it can be lost.

This situation could be aggravated and the infection could spread to adjacent teeth.

Why can a crown be wrong and how do I fix it?

Incorrectly fitted dental crown

Occasionally, the patient notices some mobility in the tooth where the crown is worn. This usually occurs because the cement that fixes the crown to the tooth has deteriorated over time, causing small cracks through which bacteria have penetrated and aggravated the problem. If this is not solved, it can cause damage to the natural tooth under the crown and lead to caries or fractures in the tooth, which would be a serious problem. The best solution in this case is to clean the crown and re-cement it correctly.

Dental sensitivity

It is normal for the patient to be temporarily sensitive to cold and heat after the necessary grinding of the tooth to fit the crown. However, if this sensitivity persists, it is possible that the cause is that the crown is in a position that is too high and causes discomfort when biting. Therefore, the solution is to lower the occlusion with a drill. If the sensitivity still does not disappear, then the tooth is endodontically treated.

Splintered crown

The most common way is for the patient to detect the chipping of the material, either by sight or by touch (by running their tongue over the piece, for example). Crowns are usually made of porcelain materials, so if they suffer some kind of blow, they can chip. Depending on the chipping, it can be solved, for example with a composite filling on top, as if it were a natural tooth. In other more serious cases, the crown has to be replaced.

Appearance of dark gum line

The porcelain is white, and underneath the crown there is a metal to adapt the piece to the natural tooth. Occasionally, the gum can recede, exposing the black line of the metal. This is not common, but some people may develop allergies to the porcelain, resin or metal in crowns. If you notice this dark line, you should visit your dental clinic as soon as possible to discuss the best solution to the problem.


If some time after the placement of your crown, you notice that it moves, or you detect a small amount of bleeding in the affected area when brushing your teeth, go to your dental clinic so that they can evaluate what has happened and offer you the best solution.

And, as always, if you have any questions, you can contact us through the usual channels.

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