Did you know that 84 percent of people consider it important to have an attractive smile? According to a Harris Interactive survey of 1,000 American adults, aged 18 to 50, one third of respondents would not set their best friend up on a blind date with someone who had bad teeth.
An overwhelming majority - 85 percent of respondents - consider a person's smile to be a very important factor when meeting someone for the first time. In fact, nearly 9 out of 10 Americans surveyed considered people with healthy teeth to be more attractive.
Fortunately, improving our smile is now more accessible than ever due to cosmetic dentistry and the advances that cosmetic dentistry has made available to us. Even the most subtle change in our smile - a slight or simple improvement - can make a big difference to the way we look and feel about ourselves, as well as the way others perceive you.
However, both when we talk about oral health and aesthetics, we must be clear about one essential aspect: we must put ourselves in the hands of proven specialists. Going to our trusted dentist and consulting him/her about the treatment that best suits our needs is a guarantee of safety and a job well done.
Continuous training and the personalised application of the latest clinical advances are the principles that govern the aesthetic dental work carried out by the professionals at the Murcian clinic. Velez & Lozano.
From tooth whitening to veneers, including the latest techniques in dental rehabilitation, such as digital smile design, a pioneering technique in aesthetic dentistry in which Dr. Lozano Zafra, of the clinic Vélez & Lozanohas specialised as a member of the International Digital Smile Design Group.

Digital planning of the most aesthetically favourable proportions for the patient's smile and face, depending on their individual physical and morphological characteristics, is a pioneering technique in which Velez & Lozano is ahead of the curve, placing itself at the forefront of dentists in Murcia, with a new formula for planning and diagnosis based not only on traditional records, but also on digital imaging, through photographs and videos that allow a holistic understanding of each patient.