Today, tooth decay is the most common childhood disease. The figures in Spain are devastating; in 2012, one in three children suffered from caries in at least one tooth. Furthermore, according to the results of the Spanish Observatory of Oral Health in Spain, 2015, carried out by the Council of DentistsIn fact, it is children under 7 years of age who are the least likely to visit the dentist.
Caries is a disease that particularly affects children, and can even diminish their physical development and their ability to learn, which is why we must pay the necessary attention to it and put our children in the hands of the best professionals.
See a dentist as soon as the first teeth appear.
It is vital to see a paediatric dentist when the first teeth appear. So-called 'early childhood caries' is a disease that is more prevalent than is often believed, and may even be related to the baby's habits as an infant.
The paediatric dentists are professionals whose training is specialised in the oral care of the very young. A single visit to the specialist during this first period can prevent a multitude of problems in the future. The use of soothers or bottles are issues that paediatric dentistry knows well and can advise us on.
The dental clinic Velez & Lozano has qualified professionals with extensive experience in the care and prevention of children's oral health.
By making at least one visit a year during the first years of life, the number of children's cavities decreases drastically. These professionals control and monitor the formation of the jaw, teeth, etc., and can prevent serious problems.
Learning oral hygiene habits in a fun way.
Introducing children to the brushing routine can be an arduous task if approached too seriously. If, on the other hand, we help children to see this part of the day as a game, we are likely to get a better response from them.
Moreover, as the brushing technique will be with them all their lives, teaching them the right way can be key to their oral health as they grow into adulthood.
The use of games and even songs that teach children the correct brushing techniques for each group of teeth will help them to remember the correct procedure in a fun way.

It is also important to remember that the use of personalised toothbrushes can help them to become more comfortable with the activity of brushing. The toothbrushes used by the youngest children should be approved and of medium hardness, preferably electric from the age of 6 so that they can control the pressure they exert on their teeth and gums.