Acid erosion of teeth?

Have you noticed that your teeth are getting more and more worn down? Do you have sensitivity when you drink cold things?

Dental wear and tear can be due to many causes, but mainly to night-time or night-time squeezing. bruxism and excessive consumption of acids in food.

There are foods and beverages with an acidic pH that, coupled with over-consumptionThe effects of these bacteria erode our teeth, causing a series of consequences that can range from minor to serious and can even lead to tooth loss.

What foods/drinks cause acid erosion?

  • Food with high sugar level, sugar is not an acid per se, but it promotes the growth of acid-generating bacteria that generate acidic bacteria. lactic acid.
  • Carbonated beverages, such as soft drinks, which also sometimes contain a high concentration of sugar, as well as packaged juices and energy drinks, which also contain large amounts of sugar, without us sometimes being aware of it.
  • Citrus fruits such as lemonthe orange or the lime as well as the juices derived from them. To say that are healthy productswhich should be an integral part of our diet, but without excessive consumptionand taking into account a number of precautions which will be discussed below.

Outside the food field, pathologies such as gastro-oesophageal reflux or eating disorders such as bulimia are also considered to cause acid erosion.

How do these acids affect your teeth?

The tooth has a highly mineralised composition, and as such wears out in the presence of acids. The main consequence is the loss of tooth tissue, starting with the enamel of your teeth and may even reach the pulp.

In this way complications can occur such as tooth sensitivity in mild/intermediate wear or even the need for root canal treatment due to advanced wear. In serious situations you could lose teethif the wear is such that what is left of it is not even fit to hold a dental cap or crown.

How can you prevent acid erosion?

Of course, as you might imagine, the best measure to prevent acid erosion is to stop consuming these acids or at least reduce their intake. On the other hand, and in order not to be so strict, we propose a series of tips to prevent erosion:

  • Take the acidic drinks with straws to avoid direct contact with teeth.
  • The fluoride application on the surface of your teeth can reduce or dampen the effects of acids, so you can have fluoride therapy at your dental clinic.
  • Hygiene with toothpaste and mouthwash containing fluoride or calcium and phosphate.
  • Hygiene with toothpaste and mouthwashes containing fluorine or calcium and phosphate.
  • Gentle brushing technique, using small circular movements, and avoiding large, sweeping movements.
  • Always wait 30 minutes after ingesting the acidic product and rinsing with water. This way your oral pH will rise and return to neutral.

What treatment should you follow if you suffer from acid erosion?

Below, we introduce you to thehe different treatment options depending on the severity of your erosion:

  • Slight erosion: keep the patient with preventive measures and their respective check-ups. We will apply fluoride varnishes in the clinic, as mentioned above, and explain the preventive measures to avoid further wear and tear.
  • Moderate erosion: if the erosion has already demineralised an area of enamel at the level of exposing dentine, the procedure to follow is to seal this area with composite.
  • Advanced/severe erosion: in some cases, if the wear has reached the nerve, an endodontic treatment will be carried out, and it will be restored by means of various options such as inlays, crowns or veneers. If the tooth cannot be restored, it will be extracted.

At this point you will have understood the importance of acid erosion and how it can affect your oral health.

With this information and by following the measures we propose we will get prevent it from advancing and from being harmed that most important part of you: your smile.