This past weekend has been particularly productive in terms of training for the dental clinic's staff. Vélez and Lozano.
First of all, part of the clinical team attended, as has been the custom in all its editions (except for the one suspended in 2020 due to Covid), Sepa, the fair organised by the Spanish Society of Periodontology and Osseointegration, which this year took place in Seville from 25 to 27 November. In particular, the following attended Fernando García Vélezclinical director and dentist in Murcia, expert in Implantology and Surgery, as a dentist, and Juan José Martínez Vázquez, Maica Davó y Marina Millán as hygienists.
During the weekend, almost 50 training activities were held, including symposiums, live streaming of surgeries, debates and lectures ranging from surgery and periodontics to clinical management and the application of digital technology to the field of dental practice.
This year's ambitious programme featured more than 100 speakers, including professionals of the stature of Daniel Buserwho performed surgery live from Switzerland, before flying directly to the congress, or Tord Berglundhwho won the prestigious Platinum Award presented by the society, among many others.

On the other hand, in Murcia, Drs. Diego Saura, Francisco Sánchez-Alcaraz y Javier Arroniz attended a course given by the prosthodontics expert Ernest Mallat.
The course, organised by the Odontostomatology Study Group of Murcia (GEMO), of which Vélez y Lozano's medical director, Fernando García Vélez, is vice-president, was held at the Hotel Agalia on 26 and 27 November.
Mallat gave a course on 'fixed prosthetic oral rehabilitationHe is an expert on this subject and has written many books that have positioned him as a reference in the field.
In this respect, Dr. Saura stressed "the need to be up to date".

That was not all, because also in Murcia, and in keeping with Vélez and Lozano's commitment to always keep up to date with current regulations, those members of the clinical team who did not have the necessary qualifications to operate X-ray equipment attended a special course which was also held last weekend at the Blume Academy.