One of the questions most frequently answered by the dentists and hygienists in the Murcia Region is probably one of the most unknown: how long should we brush our teeth? How many times a day should I brush my teeth with my toothbrush and toothpaste?
The answer is simple: we should brush our teeth with a quality toothbrush with rounded bristles and fluoride toothpaste for two minutes at least two or three times a day, in order to avoid leaving food debris on our teeth that can become acidic due to the presence of bacteria in our mouth.
In this regard, it is important to develop good oral hygiene habits and to be consistent in brushing, as in most cases the patient "thinks" that he or she is brushing for these two minutes, yet studies show that most people brush for less than one minute on average.

What happens if we brush for less time than recommended?
Brushing time for a conventional mouth is something that has been established on the basis of statistics on large population samples, for a conventional cleaning of the mouth and a contact of fluoride with our teeth long enough to bind to them and protect them from acid attacks.
Thus, when we brush for less time than necessary, the following happens:
- Food remains are often left in the mouth and will cause tooth decay.
- Fluoride does not have the right effect on teeth because of its shorter contact time.

So how do I make sure I brush for the right amount of time?
One of the best ways to make sure you are brushing for the time recommended by dentists is to use an electric toothbrush with a timer, which will tell you that you are doing it right in a number of ways:
- With a visual timer, which also tells us which area of the mouth we should be brushing so that no area is left unsanitised.

- With a change in vibration and sound every 30 seconds, alerting us that this time interval has elapsed.
A timer of any type can also be used, however, the studies carried out in this regard show us how brushing times are longer when brushing is associated with brushing.