Children's dentistry in Murcia

A child is a gift.

With the previous sentence, everything would be said in this post. However, it seems that as a post it falls a little short, so this time we will talk about children and the dentist.

The first visit to the dentist can be a pleasant and fun visit, as long as our children go to properly qualified professionals, experts in paediatric dentistrywho will make them feel at home. The difference with respect to an adult is that, prior to any treatment, the professional must 'connect' with the child to make them relax and enjoy an experience that, moreover, in many cases is completely harmless and invasive, thanks to the reduction of caries almost everywhere in the world in recent years.

It is important to check children from the age of three years onwards
It is important to check children from the age of three years onwards

In some cases, when treatment is necessary, one of the wishes of the parents (or of the most nervous children) is to stay with the child during the intervention, which is not advisable as in many cases it 'breaks' the communication between the patient and the professional, being the most advisable for everyone that the parents remain in the waiting room.

In any case, additional support elements, such as light sedation with laughing gas to help the patient relax and lose the panic of the intervention, are important, so the search for professionals who can care for our children should always be carried out carefully and decisively, remembering that the most important thing is early care so that they can later enjoy a beautiful and cared-for smile throughout their lives.