One of the questions most frequently asked by patients to any dental professional is whether they should switch to an electric toothbrush, depending on the situation of their mouth and the improvements it can bring.
And it is important that the professional's response is always articulated on the basis of the highest level of scientific evidence, and in this case a very useful tool for answering this question is available: the Cochrane Collaboration.
The Cochrane Collaboration is an international, independent, not-for-profit organisation based in the UK. Its main objective is to ensure that information on the effects of health interventions is rigorously conducted and regularly updated, and that it is readily available to everyone.
In other words, it reviews all the information and all the scientific studies published on a subject, in order to offer citizens the results on everyday aspects of their lives, and to support professionals in their decision-making. And, in this case, a group of the University of Sheffield (UK) publishes an article stating that: 'powered toothbrushes with a rotation oscillation action reduces plaque and gingivitis more than manual tooth brushing'.

In other words, that electric toothbrushes with oscillating-rotating action (technology patented by the company Oral-B) reduce plaque and gingivitis more than manual brushing.
Therefore, the answer is: YES, all patients (children and adults, women or men) will improve their oral health with a rotating oscillating rechargeable electric toothbrush.This will result in stronger teeth and gums, and improve the prognosis of the treatments that dental professionals can carry out in your mouth.