The orthodontist Ana Pérez Pardo is already part of the orthodontic team of Vélez y Lozano in our Dental Clinic in Murcia. Ana has a well known and extensive training and experience in the field of orthodontics, since she graduated in Dentistry at the University of Murcia in 2015.
Dr. Perez continued her training at the He finished his undergraduate degree with a postgraduate degree in orthodontics from the Gnathos Foundation and furthered his specialised knowledge in invisible orthodontics at the Aligners Academy.
Moreover, it is not the first time that he has been part of the team of Vélez and Lozanoin 2018, since he was in our centre doing an internship together with Javier Lozano before joining the staff of Centros EnLinea.
Ana has been with us for a couple of weeks now and her adaptation to the clinic is going great, both from the integration with the rest of the team, as well as her reception by the patients.