Our paediatric dentist, Vanesa Rico, gives a course on injected veneers for children.

Our colleague Vanesa Rico, dentist for children in our clinic in Murcia, has been trained in injected veneers technique to be able to offer this alternative to her patients. The course, carried out through Dental Excelence and taught by Dr. Enrique Díaz Guzmán, has covered during its 51 hours of duration everything related to this technique.
In-clinic or at-home whitening?

Now that we are going to reactivate our beloved whitening campaign (which this year will run from 15 May to 15 July and I'm sure you will soon be given more details about it through the web and networks), it occurred to me that we can approach it from a different perspective.
The most popular treatments at the end of orthodontic treatment

When a patient comes to our dental clinic, it may be due to different reasons, but we can almost always separate them into three main categories: general, which would be those visits for revision, cleaning or, in other words, 'maintenance'; urgency, which are those that come to solve a specific discomfort, which does not always mean that they are for a specific reason, but [...]
What to eat to avoid staining your teeth?

More and more patients are asking me this question on a regular basis, and it is perfectly logical, as we live in a time in which as a society we pay a lot of attention to aesthetics, including our smile. As an expert in aesthetics and endodontics at Vélez y Lozano, I am used to answering this question, especially in the case of [...]
Preparing the tooth for veneers: myths and realities

Due to 'somewhat misleading' advertising in the dental sector in recent years, many patients insist in the dental office on "no-face veneers", i.e. the ultimate aesthetic treatment for the smile: veneers with which the tooth does not need to be treated at all in order to give it a radical makeover and a new look.
Rosalía does it again: let's talk about dental jewellery

The Catalan artist Rosalía is an expert in two things: obviously in music, but also in generating controversy (although the latter is often involuntary, and more circumscribed to the media spotlight). At Vélez y Lozano we have already taken advantage of this focus to educate and disseminate recommendations and quality information on oral health issues [...]