Dr. Diego Saura gives a lecture on dental transplants to university students

Our colleague, Dr. Diego Saura, an expert in the dental transplant technique, was invited to give a lecture on the subject at the Clínica Universitaria del Hospital Morales Meseguer last week. In the session, which was attended by students of the Master of Oral Medicine and 4th year students of the Degree in Dentistry, Dr. Saura [...]
What is CSR and what do we do at Vélez & Lozano in this regard?

What is Corporate Social Responsibility? During this month of February we have talked a lot about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) because part of our objectives for 2024 was to give a boost to the visible part of this area that is so important for companies in the 21st century. But what exactly is it and what does it mean for [...]
Vélez & Lozano collaborates with Tato sport in the organisation of a sporting event for young people in the neighbourhood.

Within the framework of our Corporate Social Responsibility activities, a line of action that we are reinforcing in 2024, we have collaborated in the organisation of the 'Psychopedagogic and Multisport Campus' of Tato Sport, which will be held on 25, 26 and 27 March at the José Barnés Sports Centre and in which young people from [...]
Our medical director, Fernando García Vélez, attends advanced surgical training with Dr. Fouad Khoury.

Our medical director and main visible head of the Surgery and Implants area, Fernando García Vélez, attended last week an advanced training on surgery given in Alicante by Dr. Fouad Khoury, considered one of the fathers of vertical bone regeneration. Dr. Khoury was born and graduated in Medicine in Iran, [...]
Vélez & Lozano participates in a reforestation activity in El Valle

Through the programme 'Your footprint counts', promoted by the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, and framed in our Corporate Social Responsibility activities, last Sunday 4th February more than 35 volunteers (between employees and family) of Vélez & Lozano went to the Regional Park El Valle and Carrascoy to carry out a walk through the park.
Our colleague Celia continues her training in endodontics.

The dentist Celia Navarrete, from our endodontics team, has successfully completed the course 'Endo Mola', taught by Almudena Rivas for four months, in which they have had the opportunity to delve into a very broad agenda with a large amount of practical load, addressing issues ranging from basic endodontics to endodontics and endodontic treatment.