Our colleague Ana advances in the field of preventive orthodontics.

Our colleague, dentist in the area of orthodontics, Ana Pérez, continues her training geared towards prevention thanks to the course 'RNO, early treatment and orthodontics with aligners' that she has taken in Valencia over three modules. The training, given by Esmeralda Herrero, has focused on gaining knowledge of balance and stability [...]
The RNO and its role in dentistry

Neuro-Occlusal Rehabilitation (ONR), although now it is especially in trend, especially thanks to social networks, is a technique developed by Dr. Pedro Planas in 1962. Dr. Planas tried to give a functionalist answer to all the malocclusions that can be found in orthodontic patients. To do so, he tried to take a functionalist [...]
Raquel Lucas and Vanesa Rico attend a course on orthodontics and RNO

The orthodontist Raquel Lucas and the paediatric dentist Vanesa Rico, dentists at our dental clinic in Murcia, attended last weekend the course 'Orthodontic treatments in mixed dentition following the methodology of Neuro-Occlusal Rehabilitation (RNO)', organised by the GEMO group and taught by doctors José Manuel Sampietro Fuentes and Alejandro Durán [...].