Some people think children are just small adults... But nothing could be further from the truth, especially when it comes to dentistry. That’s why at Vélez y Lozano Dental Clinic, we give children special care to ensure their time with us is as pleasant as possible. Because we know that going to the dentist is not usually children’s favourite activity, we take care of every detail from the moment they enter the clinic to the moment they leave, offering them personalised care that is specially adapted to their needs.
Furthermore, our team is composed of professionals dedicated solely to children’s dentistry. They’re here to help overcome the anxiety and fear that can be involved in a visit to the dentist, and are specialised in specific treatments for little ones, whose teeth require different kinds of care.
The aim of our paediatric dentistry team is to treat dental conditions in the most pleasant and simple way possible, but also in a pedagogical, educational way. When it comes to dental health, prevention is one of the most important aspects. That’s why we focus on transmitting this to children, explaining the importance of brushing their teeth and how to do it correctly to prevent the appearance of cavities and other complications.
Regular check-ups at suitable intervals are also a very important part of caring for dental health at an early age. That's why we assess the risk of cavities for every child who comes to the clinic based on medical criteria and adapt our treatment plan to their needs, which could mean check-ups every 3, 6 or 12 months. We also check tooth eruption and the development of facial bones. This helps to solve problems at an early age which, if left unchecked, may require more complex and costly treatment in adulthood.
What about if they get nervous?
At Vélez y Lozano Dental Clinic, we know that going to the dentist is often a source of anxiety. That’s why our team specialised in children’s care is armed with everything necessary to deal with these types of situations when they occur. Our weapons? Warmth, friendliness, patience, drawings – and the occasional prize.
If necessary, minimally invasive sedation with so-called 'laughing gas' could be administered to relax the child and prevent them becoming overwhelmed during the intervention (always after consulting the parent and obtaining their consent).
Vélez y Lozano, dental clinic specialised in advanced child sedation
As a last resort, and only in cases in which all other options have been explored, there is the possibility of full sedation. We are a leading dental clinic in Murcia for full sedation, which is always carried out by a team of anaesthetists who come to our centre to minimise the risks and ensure an appointment in which all necessary treatments can be carried out.
To make an appointment call us on 968 28 46 28 or click here.
Frequently asked questions
When should teeth brushing in children start?
Children should have their teeth brushed from the first tooth eruption (around 6 months of age) using a small toothbrush and an age-appropriate amount of toothpaste.
You can find more information on this topic here.
When should a child go to the dentist for the first time?
Visiting a paediatric dentist (children's dentist) is recommended as soon as the first tooth appears. They will teach parents how to brush so that when the rest of the teeth appear, they know how to do it and prevent possible caries. The dentist will also advise parents on when and how to stop using dummies and bottles and the possible consequences of prolonged use, tell them which foods are harmful to enamel, and warn them about preventing excessive consumption of sweets to avoid the early onset of cavities.
The risk of cavities can also be assessed at this first visit in order to establish an appropriate check-up regime. Enamel anomalies in teeth that have just erupted can also be detected, to check that the growth of the jaws is symmetrical.
What type of toothpaste is recommended for children?
It is difficult to answer this question without seeing the child in front of you. That’s why we recommend a visit to Vélez y Lozano Dental Clinic in Murcia, where our professionals can give a better answer. In general, it depends both on the age of the child and their risk of developing cavities. For example, very young children should start with a 1000 ppm fluoride toothpaste. If they are at high risk of cavities, or are over 3 years old (in which case they should already have seen a dentist) the recommendation is a 1450 ppm fluoride toothpaste.
And how much toothpaste should you use? For 1 year olds, half a grain of rice; for 2 year olds, one grain of rice; and for 3 year olds and upwards, the size of a pea.
It is important to remind both children and parents that brushing should be done with a dry toothbrush, and unlike adults, children should not rinse after brushing to allow the toothpaste to take effect for the proper amount of time.
Why are my child’s teeth coming through so big and yellow?
When the adult teeth appear, it often has a certain impact on the parents, who compare them with the temporary milk teeth. They often have the feeling that the teeth are now much bigger. Milk teeth also have thinner dentin. The shorter formation period results in a thinner layer of dentin, which makes them look whiter. This is completely natural and to be expected.
Some parents are also concerned about the shape of the teeth, as adult teeth emerge with a serrated incisal edge, which helps the tooth to break through the gum and erupt. However, this will resolve itself over time, as it is filed down through the wear and tear of chewing to reach the more common and aesthetically pleasing straight line seen in adult teeth.
When do milk teeth fall out?
At around 6 years of age, the lower incisors will fall out, although this can happen a few months earlier or later. By the age of 8 years, the 8 front teeth will fall out (4 upper and 4 lower) after which there will be a pause. From approximately 9 to 13 years of age, the canines and primary molars will progressively fall out until adult dentition has been reached.
How many teeth do children and adults have?
Children have 20 milk teeth, and adults have 32 teeth. The milk teeth will be replaced by permanent teeth, and 3 additional molars will appear in each hemiarch. The first 4 teeth will emerge at around 6 years of age, the next ones at 12 years of age and finally, at 18 years of age, the so-called 'wisdom teeth', which complete the permanent dentition, will emerge. However, not everyone will get wisdom teeth.
Why does my child get cavities?
Cavities develop due to a combination of factors such as a diet high in sugary foods, dental hygiene, saliva pH and enamel quality. Our paediatric dentist will tell you which foods to cut down on, and will establish the risk of cavities by assessing saliva pH and the condition of the tooth. Once the diagnosis has been made, they will teach the appropriate hygiene technique and ensure that it is carried out correctly.
What should I do if my child's teeth are wobbly?
If a milk tooth is wobbly and this was not caused by a blow, it is most likely because the adult tooth is already very close to the surface and has eliminated the root of its predecessor. In other words, it’s time to prepare for the tooth fairy. To help this process along, we can move the tooth (with extremely clean hands) and when we feel it is very loose, gently take it out with gauze. In fact, we recommend doing so, because children tend to stop brushing the area where the loose tooth is, which leads to inflammation in the gum.
What happens if an adult tooth does not erupt?
We recommend coming to our surgery, where Vanesa, our paediatric dentist (link) will see you. After an initial assessment, which will include an X-ray, she will diagnose whether it is simply a delayed eruption, whether the permanent tooth has not formed (known as agenesis), or whether there is an obstacle preventing it from erupting.
Why bother filling a milk tooth?
Many parents often wonder what the point is of filling a tooth ‘that’s just going to fall out anyway’. The problem is that tooth decay works in exactly the same way for both adults and children – after all, a milk tooth is nothing more than a smaller adult tooth. This means that decay causes tooth sensitivity, pain and even infection if it is not prevented and ends up reaching the nerve.
This risk of infection makes it necessary to prevent cavities and fill milk teeth – even if they will 'just fall out'. We might see these teeth as temporary, but they are the only teeth a child has, meaning they are essential for chewing, speech development and their own self-esteem. Caring for them is a matter of caring for your child's complete wellbeing during childhood.
What is a pulpotomy?
When a cavity is large, it can affect part of the nerve without having reached the stage of total infection. In these cases, the affected part of the nerve is located. When the outermost part is removed, and the part inside the root is left intact, a special material is applied to help it heal and a filling is put on top.
What is a pulpectomy?
When the cavity has grown too large and the nerve has been completely infected, there is no other choice but to remove it, just as would be the case with an adult. This treatment is the equivalent of a root canal for children, but is simpler and gentler than when performed on older patients.

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