We publish the second edition of 'Implantology for Patients'.

Barely a year and a half later, 'Implantology for patients', the book written by our partner and medical director Fernando García Vélez together with dental hygienist Juan José Martínez Vázquez, sees its second edition launched.

This is a particularly relevant milestone, because the books are given to patients in the implantology area on their first visit, which tells us about the volume of patients who trust us as a reference clinic in dental implants in Murcia. With more than 10,000 implants behind him and an average of more than 350 placed per year in the clinic, Dr. Vélez conceived the book as a response to the dozens of questions that both are found in the office every day and in an attempt to bring their knowledge in the field to the non-specialist public and throughout its 67 pages makes a tour of implantology, from the consequences of losing a tooth to how to maintain an implant, passing, of course, by the different types of implants that exist and how to place them.


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