Numerous patients from Murcia, Molina de Segura, Cartagena and Lorca are reportedly coming to their reliable dentists to ask them about a new urban legend that has arisen in the population, and that we will try to dismantle in this post, in order to continue faithfully informing the population on topics of interest in oral health.

According to this hoax which has emerged, toothpaste tubes have a square or rectangle at the end opposite the cap, which, depending on the colour, would indicate the composition of the toothpaste:
- Green, composition 100% natural
- Red, natural and chemical composition
- Black, chemical composition 100%

Well, it is something completely false.
The markings on toothpaste tubes, as well as on other packaging such as milk cartons, cereal boxes and biscuit boxes, have these colours as part of the packaging process: the shape and colour of the rectangle tells the 'robots' that process the packets when to cut/fold/press...

In fact, they are called 'eye marks', as they are the guide used by the eyes, and the colour is usually dark because the contrast with the packet is greater and reading is easier.

So, once again, an urban legend that had grown mainly on the internet, but which had also reached the offices of dental professionals and the homes of many patients in the Region of Murcia, has been dismantled.