The latest advances in tooth whitening have arrived in Spain, at the hands of the multinational company Procter&Gamblemanufacturer of the Oral-B 3D Whitestripswhitening strips that achieve spectacular results in just 14 days, avoiding tooth sensitivity for the patient.
The procedure is simple: once a day, for two weeks, a kind of translucent "adhesive tape" is applied to the teeth after toothbrushing and held for a period of one hour, after which it is removed by hand and the patient goes on with his or her normal life.

This has the advantage over photo-activated bleaching with lamp or laser light that the patient does not experience sensitivity during the treatment as the treatment is gradual and not concentrated over a short period of time like photo-activated bleaching.
Moreover, thanks to the convenience of its use, it can be used at any time: during sport, at work... without the hassle of splints or bleaching peroxide syringes, making it simple, easy and suitable for most people.
In the following images, you can see the results of a bleaching of this type in the dental clinic Vélez y Lozano in MurciaThe official distribution centre for these strips in our Autonomous Community: