Why do I have spots on my tongue? Let's talk about geographical language

If you have noticed irregular, smooth patches on your tongue and wondered "What are you doing?Why do I have spots on my tongue?" o "Should I be worried about these spots?"There are several possible causes behind these symptoms. Tongue spots can be due to various reasons, such as infections, vitamin deficiencies, irritations or chronic conditions. Today we want to focus on a specific condition called geographic tongue. This article will help you better understand the possible causes, symptoms and treatments of this condition, as well as some useful tips on how to manage it.

What is geographic language?

The geographical languagealso called benign migratory glossitis, is an inflammatory condition affecting the surface of the tongue. It manifests as smooth, discoloured areas that may change in shape and size, giving it a map-like appearance.

Causes of geographical language

Although the exact cause of geographic language is not fully known, several factors may be related:

  1. GeneticsPredisposition to develop geographic tongue may be hereditary.
  2. Nutritional DeficienciesLack of vitamins, such as B12 and zinc, may contribute to its occurrence.
  3. StressStress and other psychological factors can worsen symptoms.
  4. Underlying DiseasesConditions such as psoriasis and allergies may be associated with geographic tongue.

Symptoms of geographic language

The most common symptoms of geographic tongue include:

  • Smooth and discoloured spotsTongue areas without papillae, resembling patches.
  • Changes in shape and sizeThese spots can move and change their appearance.
  • SensitivitySome people may experience discomfort when eating spicy, acidic or very hot foods.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of geographic tongue is usually made by visual examination during a dental consultation. No special tests are required to diagnose this condition.


Although geographic tongue does not usually require treatment, there are several ways to manage symptoms and improve comfort:

  • Proper oral hygiene: Maintaining a proper dental cleaning routine is crucial.
  • Avoid irritating foodsReducing the consumption of spicy, acidic or very hot foods may help to minimise discomfort.
  • Nutritional supplementsIf vitamin deficiencies are present, supplementation may be beneficial.
  • Topical productsIn cases of severe discomfort, your dentist may recommend mouthwashes or topical ointments to relieve inflammation.

Practical tips on how to deal with the geographical language

  1. Regular consultationVisit your dentist regularly to monitor any changes.
  2. HydrationKeep well hydrated to help maintain oral health.
  3. Soft foodsPrefer foods that do not irritate the tongue.
  4. Stress managementRelaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation can be helpful.


Geographic tongue may seem alarming because of its appearance, but it is generally harmless and manageable with proper care. If you experience symptoms of geographic tongue or any other oral concerns, it is essential to consult a dental professional for a personalised assessment and advice. Maintain a proper oral hygiene routine and visit your dentist regularly to ensure optimal oral health.

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