Breast lift, what is it and what does it consist of?

Do you know the sinus lift technique? Perhaps you have heard someone you know say "I can't have implants because I have no bone" or "I have lost my gums and I can't have implants". It is true that after the loss of a tooth, and even more so if it has been a long time or if you had [...]

Differences between conventional orthodontics and aligners

Why choose Invisible Orthodontics? More and more people are hearing about aligners or invisible orthodontics: that alternative to braces, more aesthetic and comfortable, that allows us to carry out orthodontic treatment without anyone noticing. However, few people are aware of the real advantages [...]


En la actualidad los procedimientos con implantes dentales son la solución más efectiva y segura para rehabilitar la cavidad oral cuando se ha producido la pérdida de una o varias piezas dentales. Los implantes, al igual que los dientes, pueden ser para toda la vida, pero también pueden sufrir ciertas patologías. La más importante de […]

How is an implant inserted?

When faced with the need to insert an implant, it is logical that fears and doubts arise regarding a surgical procedure, but inserting an implant is a minimally invasive and careful act, which is more similar (in terms of sensations and discomfort) to a filling than to an extraction. It is true that there are some complex cases [...]

Healthy habits for your mouth

Taking care of yourself is in the news! After the pandemic we all appreciate health more than ever and have a desire to take care of our body and mind. By making small changes in our habits, we can achieve great results, but we must not neglect our oral health. The mouth is the entry point for many pathogens and it is the [...]

Types of Dental Transplants

In previous articles we have already mentioned the possibility of transplanting teeth, an innovative and very successful treatment to replace lost teeth using another tooth from your own mouth. But perhaps you have wondered if in your case it would be possible to have a Dental Transplant. Stay a little longer, and I will tell you which are the most frequent situations [...]