Involving patients in patient safety

Today, Sunday 17 September, is World Patient Safety Day, whose slogan for 2023 is 'Involving patients in patient safety'. In this sense, at Vélez y Lozano we want to emphasise the active role that the patient has always played in our clinic at various levels in the [...]
Back to work with batteries recharged

August is over and we have already resumed our activity at 100% after a summer in which we have taken turns to rest, but in which we have not only been closed to the public but we have carried out more than 800 treatments to more than 600 patients, 115 of whom had never set foot in the clinic before, and [...]
We have been a reference dental clinic in Murcia for 15 years.

Since doctors Fernando García Vélez and Javier Lozano Zafra started this business and clinical adventure that is Vélez y Lozano, exactly 15 years have passed. With an active staff of more than 30 people and employing the best dentists in Murcia, we have become over time in a dental clinic [...]
Health withdraws the obligation to wear a mask in clinics such as ours.

Although it was practically a public measure since last Friday, when a report was issued by the relevant official bodies, the end of the compulsory use of masks in health centres such as ours came into force this morning, Wednesday 5 July, when it was published [...].
Raquel Lucas attends the second module of 'Orthodontics beyond limits'.

Our colleague from the orthodontics team, dentist Raquel Lucas, attended the second module of 'Orthodontics beyond the limits', taught at Forma Dental by Dr. Patricia Vergara. In this second training day they focused on skeletal anchorage with micro-screws, learning different treatment mechanics to use this type of technique in the treatment of teeth with micro-screws.
We reached 18,000 patients as we look ahead to our 15th anniversary

We have reached 18,000 patients! With the same objective since the first of them crossed our doorstep: to provide an excellent dental service with a personalised treatment and to make you feel at ease and at home. It may not always have been possible, but we have always tried. Yesterday we opened our 18,000th patient file with a view to [...]