Our orthodontists attend the latest ALIGNEA Congress in Ávila

Last weekend, from 9 to 11 February, the VIII International Congress of Aligners (ALIGNEA) took place at the Ávila conference centre. Orthodontics is an area in constant evolution, which requires keeping up to date, and that is why our two orthodontists, Ana and Raquel, attended to soak up the latest developments in the field.
Today is St. Apollonia, patron saint of dentists

Today, 9 February, we celebrate Saint Apollonia, patron saint of dentistry and dentists in Murcia and throughout the Catholic world. This martyr, who was invoked in the Middle Ages when people had toothache or pains related to the mouth, is represented in classical Christian iconography as a young woman [...]
Vélez y Lozano, the first dental clinic in Murcia to use Artificial Intelligence in its diagnoses.

At Vélez & Lozano we have become the first dental clinic in the Region of Murcia to use Artificial Intelligence to help diagnose our patients. Thanks to an agreement with the American company Hello Pearl, developer of the Second Opinion software, we have caught up with the technology [...]
Our paediatric dentistry team has an adapter for babies.

Our paediatric dentistry team has recently acquired for its performance in our dental clinic in Murcia a baby adapter, manufactured by Maribel Pons Bonet and marketed under the name of Odontoadaptababy, which will facilitate their work when attending to their smallest patients. The aim is to adapt the chair that is used for [...]
Caritas already has the toys donated to children

The toys that both employees of the Vélez y Lozano dental clinic in Murcia and our own patients have donated for the most needy children are already in the hands of Cáritas, the organisation that will be in charge of delivering them to vulnerable families. From the clinic we would like to thank the reception of this initiative, [...]
Fernando García Vélez attends an intensive monograph on bone and soft tissue regeneration in Barcelona

In collaboration with Back to the Roots Academy, our medical director and expert in the area of Surgery and Implants, Fernando García Vélez, has immersed himself in an intensive 30-hour monographic course on bone regeneration and soft tissue management, which took place on 24, 25, 26 and 27 November at the [...]