Raquel Lucas trains in orthodontics in Madrid

Our orthodontist Raquel Lucas studied last Friday the second module of the university postgraduate course in clinical orthodontics at the International Postgraduate School of Dentistry, a collaborating centre of the University Isabel I, based in Madrid. Raquel is a member of our team of invisible orthodontics in Murcia and continues her training with the help of [...]
Dr García Vélez attends a course at Inibsa

Dr. Fernando García Vélez, specialist in Implantology and Surgery and director of the Dental Clinic in Murcia Vélez y Lozano, attended last Friday 5th November to the lecture 'The management of peri-implant soft tissues' of Inibsa, given by Dr. Jerián Gonzalez Febles. Dr. Gonzalez Febles has a wide range of experience [...]
Halloween returns to Velez and Lozano

Halloween has always been a special date in our dental clinic in Murcia, as our patients know. We have had pumpkins decorating the clinic, photocalls, children dressed up in costumes in the corridors... and a festive and magical atmosphere that always brought a smile to everyone's face. Unfortunately, during the past 2020, along with so many other things, we couldn't [...]
Ana Pérez joins Vélez y Lozano's orthodontic team

The orthodontist Ana Pérez Pardo is already part of the orthodontic team of Vélez y Lozano in our Dental Clinic in Murcia. Ana has a wide and well-known training and experience in the field of orthodontics, since she graduated in Dentistry at the University of Murcia in 2015. Dr. Perez continued to [...]
Dr. Fernando García Vélez attends Bone Regeneration On-line SEPA

Continuous training combined with the use of the best materials and the latest technologies are what have led Vélez y Lozano to be a dental clinic of reference when it comes to placing dental implants in Murcia On September 21st, Dr. Fernando García Vélez, medical director and in charge of dental implants in the [...]
We offer a new treatment for MIH

At Vélez y Lozano we have launched a new treatment for our paediatric dentistry area with which we aim to change the lives of many children in Murcia for the better. It is a service divided into three months with their respective three appointments in which, with a combined work in the clinic and in the dentist's [...]