Recently, there has been a growing interest from patients in the Region of Murcia by the components of fillings currently used in a conventional clinical routine, in an attempt to combine the interaction between health preservation and minimally invasive biological dentistry as much as possible.

In this respect, and as we have already pointed out in previous postsblack' fillings, made of silver amalgam, contain among other compounds a percentage of mercury, an element whose use has been limited for some time now, reserved only for specific clinical indications and which, on occasions, the general practitioner or another specialist may request that it be removed from the patient's fillings, if the patient associates it with a pathology.

On the other hand, 'white' composite fillings contain in their composition a molecule known as BIS-GMA, one of whose components, bisphenol A, has been shown to be not very biocompatible, so that sometimes the replacement of conventional composites by others free of this compound is also indicated.

In this sense, despite the fact that bisphenol A is present in many of the plastics that surround us on a daily basis (baby bottles and water bottles, sports equipment, medical and dental devices, dental composites and sealants, CDs and DVDs, and various household appliances) and following the steps of the European Directive 2001/8/UThe withdrawal of this component from feeding bottles for infants has been imposed in certain Member States. dental clinics in Murcia This is beginning to be taken into consideration and BIS-GMA-free composites are now available for patients who require dental treatment as close as possible to their biological needs.

In this way, dental professionals are getting closer to their patients' needs by systematically reviewing all the studies published in the international scientific literature and basing their clinical decisions on clinical evidence from around the world.