Summer is the time of year when most people go on holiday and take the opportunity to go on short trips, where it is very easy to lose our dental routine. We try to enjoy our rest period so much that we sometimes forget to carry out a minimum of oral hygiene.
From Velez & Lozano we are going to give you some recommendations so that when you return from your holidays you don't notice your gums are swollen, you relapse into a periodontal problem or a cavity or two awaits you.

Summer is also the time of year when, due to the heat, we make more use of swimming pools, and although in principle it is something that people do not usually take into account, we must be careful with exposure to chlorine and other chemicals when it comes to looking after our dental health. Long exposure to these substances encourages the accumulation of tartar and the appearance of yellowish stains on our teeth, which is why people who practise water sports have more dental plaque.
In addition, diving can cause jaw pain if you do not know how to position the mouthpiece of the air regulator correctly. Diving can also lead to barodontalgia, which causes dental pain because the pulp chamber of the tooth must adjust to the atmospheric pressure it experiences, especially if the diver has large cavities, fillings, inflamed or infected gums.

Summer is when we consume cold foods such as ice cream, iced coffee, slushies or even water fresh from the fridge. Added to the fact that in summer we consume more acidic foods such as soft drinks, white wine, beer, gazpacho, etc., this usually results in demineralised teeth that favour the appearance of dental sensitivity.
Factors such as higher temperatures, increased exposure to the sun and increased social activity and sport cause our bodies to lose more water and have to adapt. This adaptation involves a series of changes in the body in order to maintain adequate levels of hydration and salt concentration.
Dry mouth is often linked to a reduction in the number of teeth in the mouth. saliva levelswhich is a vital element for the protection of our teeth. It is therefore essential to maintain constant hydration and an adequate concentration of these salts through a regular intake of water and sugar-free drinks, as well as fruit and vegetables, as these, in addition to containing water, promote greater salivation.
Decreased saliva can lead to the development of what is popularly known as 'cold sores' (angular cheilitis) and creates an ideal environment for the proliferation of bacteria, which increases the risk of caries development, gingivitis (inflammation and bleeding of the gums)The mouth, problems swallowing, speaking, eating, wearing dentures or even pain, irritation or burning of the tongue can occur. These oral situations, together with halitosis and hypersensitivity, are the most frequent oral problems in summer.

Summer is also a time when we tend to change our eating habits. We eat foods that we would not normally eat and at times that we are not used to, we increase our consumption of energy drinks, carbonated drinks and sugars in general and, on occasions, we increase our alcohol intake.
All these factors, together with insufficient dental hygiene as a result of the loss of our traditional routine, can cause, among other things, an increase in the possibility of developing caries or suffering from halitosis. Therefore, maintaining our hygiene routine should be our priority when it comes to having a healthy mouth and mitigating the ravages of summer, but we should also take into account other factors that will be of great help, such as prioritising the consumption of one type of food over another, as they will help us to look after our teeth in summer:
- Seasonal fruits and vegetables. Watermelon and melon are two of the summer fruits that provide the most nutrients to the body and at the same time help to hydrate our organism, something we have already mentioned their importance.
- Fish and seafood. Summer is a great time to eat fish such as sardines, whose fluoride and Omega 3 fatty acid content helps our dental health. Both help to prevent and control both inflammation and bleeding of the gums.
- Fresh cheese and dairy products in general. As a great source of calcium, they help keep our teeth strong and hydrate our mouth.
Last but not least, do not use your teeth to open bags, bottles or containers of any kind. It sounds like a very basic tip, but it is something that many people do without even realising it.
Don't neglect your dental health and hygiene in summer, as it is still compatible with enjoying your holidays. And remember that summer is for smiling more than ever. If you want to go to the beach or on a trip with the satisfaction of having 'homework done' and go for a check-up or a cleaning, or even a cosmetic treatment such as whitening, we encourage you to visit our Dental Clinic in Murciawhere we will be happy to help you in any way we can.
AuthorJacobo Martinez