Christmas comes to Vélez and Lozano

Once again this year, we have dressed the clinic in joy and happiness to welcome such an important period for many as Christmas. In addition, this 2022 we have launched more Christmas initiatives than ever, because we believe that we all deserve them a little bit after the last few years with a profile more [...]
The winners of the Epiphany raffle have already received their gifts.

Balthasar, Melchior and Gaspar have long since departed, but before doing so they left our clinic three gifts for the three winners of the draw of the first Vélez y Lozano Christmas competition. The sisters María Ángeles and Alejandra, Hugo and Marina are already enjoying their well-deserved prizes and they were so happy! Hugo [...]
Happy New Year 2022!

Another year is coming to an end which, like the last, has been marked by the pandemic. We would very much like to begin this publication by talking about anything else, and in fact we have considered not doing so, but we felt that there was no point in denying the obvious. This has been a year of emergence, of vaccination, of going [...]
Vélez y Lozano wishes you a Merry Christmas

The Vélez y Lozano team wishes you all a very merry Christmas and happy holidays. We hope that you can spend them with your family and that those of you who cannot, either because of distance, precaution or the presence of the virus, can feel accompanied in one way or another and that soon this will be [...]