Why do we snore, and can dentistry offer a solution?

It is not uncommon for our patients to ask us about snoring, especially when they are accompanied by the person who suffers most from it, and especially in summer. This season can exacerbate an existing problem due to factors such as seasonal allergies or increased alcohol consumption at social events. [...]

The intraoral scanner: the great revolution in dentistry

El escáner intraoral es una herramienta digital avanzada que utilizamos en nuestra clínica para obtener imágenes en 3D de la cavidad bucal de nuestros pacientes. Esta tecnología nos proporciona una visión detallada del estado de los dientes, encías, implantes y prótesis, lo que facilita el diagnóstico y la planificación del tratamiento. Además, es fundamental para […]

Why do I have spots on my tongue? Let's talk about geographical language

If you have noticed irregular, smooth patches on your tongue and are wondering "Why do I have patches on my tongue?" or "Should I be worried about these patches?", there are several possible causes behind these symptoms. Tongue spots can be due to a variety of reasons, such as infections, vitamin deficiencies, irritations or chronic conditions. Today we want to focus on [...]

What are dental associations and which ones does Vélez & Lozano belong to?

The other day we commented internally in the clinic, after receiving an informative email about a course offered by a dental association, that it was difficult for patients (or readers of this blog in general) to perceive or understand what the role of this type of society was and why many of them were so interested in the [...]

What is Ludwig's angina?

The other day I learned about a very particular and rather unpleasant case of a patient who ended up in hospital because of a dental infection that spread. Although this is an overly simplistic answer to a complex problem, of course, in the end the information retained by his relatives and close people who know about the case is [...]

Adrián Melgares de Aguilar Sánchez updates his knowledge in orthodontics

During the last two weekends of April, our dental hygienist, Adrián Melgares de Aguilar Sánchez, from the orthodontics area, has attended in Madrid the 'orthodontics refresher course for the dental hygienist', given by Belén Gonzalez Cerrajero, Carmen M.ª Corral Téllez, Elisa Carbadillo Ferreira, Lucía Barrio Escribano and Katherine Yvette Salinas [...]