Endodontics and the use of the microscope

A raíz del último artículo de mi compañero Félix, en el que hablaba del microscopio óptico y su aplicación en el campo de la odontología, me gustaría abordar un tema relacionado que considero podría ser interesante: ¿por qué el microscopio se usa precisamente en endodoncia? Y es que durante el artículo, en el cual se […]

Internal bleaching, what is it?

There are many aesthetic treatments to improve our smile, such as whitening or ceramic veneers, but there is a very particular one that very few people have heard of with a tremendous impact on our smile: internal whitening. What is internal whitening? This type of whitening is done from the inside of the tooth, as if it were a [...]

Diego Saura and Fran Sánchez attend a course on endo-periodontal lesions

On 5 November, doctors Diego Saura and Francisco Sánchez-Alcaraz attended a course at the Murcia Dental Association entitled 'Management of endo-periodontal lesions'. The course, given by Fernando Luengo and Jaime Alcaraz, focused on this type of lesions, which require the intervention of two specialists and two different treatments.