Vanesa and Jacobo present 'Paediatric Dentistry for Parents'.

Our paediatric dentistry colleagues, Vanesa Rico and Pedro Jacobo Martínez, have written a book entitled 'Odontopediatría para padres' (Paediatric dentistry for parents). At Vélez & Lozano we have given them all the support possible in various ways, and we are going to publish the book under our brand, although with their authorship, something that fills us with pride, because we have [...]
How your paediatric dentist can help you

During dental check-ups for children, we not only assess the state of their dental health, but paediatric dentists go much further. And, as we have said on other occasions, the mouth is not an isolated component in our body, but what affects one affects the rest of the body.
Flúor goes on holiday (story for children)

Summer is finally here: our friend Flúor's favourite season. When dinosaur school is over, he goes to the beach, ready with his bucket and spade. He plays and swims in the waves on the beach. Fluor has a friend with whom he also spends the summer on his beach. [...]
What is a frenectomy?

As a result of the case we published yesterday on the clinic's social networks, several parents around me, patients or not, asked me some questions, so I decided to write this article. A frenectomy is a minimally invasive surgery that consists of the removal of the frenulum, but to understand why it is done, it is necessary to [...]
What is the Riga-Fede ulcer?

A few weeks ago, we dealt with a very interesting case at the clinic that aroused the curiosity of our followers. It was about a baby just 2 months old who had stopped eating because she had a natal tooth that caused a wound. You can see the post here: View this post [...]
Effect of inhalers on children's oral health

Respiratory diseases such as bronchiolitis, asthma and bronchitis are more common among the youngest children, especially those under 2 years of age. This is due to the fact that their airways are smaller, which causes them to become obstructed more easily. These conditions or infections [...].