Good use of antibiotics in dentistry

In the field of dentistry, the use of antibiotics plays a key role in the treatment of oral bacterial infections. The revolution that these drugs have brought about in medicine is supported by solid scientific evidence.

It is crucial to note that antibiotics are effective against bacterial infections, but not against viral infections such as cold sores or fungal infections such as oral candidiasis. Therefore, identifying the source of the oral infection is the first step towards effective treatment and avoiding the indiscriminate use of antibiotics in infections that do not require it.

In no case is it recommended that patients take antibiotics without a prescription. It is essential to consult a trusted dentist to determine the appropriate antibiotic for the type and severity of the oral infection.

It is worth mentioning that there are contraindications and potential interactions between antibiotics and other medications, such as anticoagulants. For this reason, it is vital to consult with the team of dentists at Velez & Lozano to receive a personalised prescription, taking into account the general health of each patient.

During periods of breastfeeding or pregnancy, specific considerations must be taken into account, so it is essential to inform our team to ensure safety during treatment.

Furthermore, the importance of proper prescribing and correct dosage cannot be underestimated. Increasing overuse of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic resistance, which is counterproductive for the treatment of dental infections.

From my experience as a dentist specialising in oral surgery and implantology, I often encounter situations of oral infection, from deep caries to problems with so-called 'wisdom teeth'.

In the case of wisdom tooth infections, caused by the accumulation of food and bacteria due to the unfavourable position of these teeth, treatment includes the prescription of an antibiotic depending on the severity and type of bacteria involved. However, it is essential to understand that antibiotic treatment is palliative and temporary, with the removal of the teeth being the most effective solution to eliminate recurrent infections.

Self-medication with antibiotics without a medical guideline is risky and can contribute to bacterial resistance. It is crucial to avoid this behaviour and focus on prevention, receive accurate diagnoses from the dentist and refrain from taking antibiotics for any dental pain without knowing its origin.

Ultimately, prevention is key. Annual dental check-ups allow Velez & Lozano's team of dentists and hygienists to evaluate your oral health, reinforce hygienic habits and prevent situations that may require the use of antibiotics. Don't wait until pain becomes a problem; act proactively to maintain a healthy smile and avoid the need for more intensive treatment. Your oral health is a long-term investment that deserves proper attention.

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